FAQMarcus Chan

Q : What kind of products do you sell ? If I can’t find my needed items from your website, can I make request?
A : We do sell Daily groceries, Household, Accessories, Bulk Biscuits and some Homemade cakes & desserts. And yes, definitely you can make request for the items you need. We have specific team to source the items required by customers and most of the items requested can be fulfilled.

Q : What is the coverage area? Can I request for my area which not stated in your delivery area?
A : Our coverage area is Klang Valley together with Putrajaya and Cyberjaya. Yes, you may request for your specific location delivery as we will evaluate and may be a certain amount of delivery charge imposed.

Q :Who do you supply to?
A :Our mainly customers are companies and corporate offices.

Q :How many days can I expect to get my order items, and time?
A :Normally it takes 1-2 days, maximum 3 days if any specific reasons. Our delivery time frame is 9am-5pm (Monday to Friday).

Q :How much is the delivery charge?
A :For order above RM300 within our coverage area, we provide free delivery. Else a minimum delivery charge will be imposed based on area.

Q :What should I do if I get defect items
A :Kindly please email us ([email protected]) or call us @014-9292285 to report, we will check immediately and do replacement accordingly if find that the items are damaged while with our side.

Q :How about the payment method?
A :We accept Cash/Cheque on delivery or even Bank Giro. If you would like to apply for payment terms, kindly notify us by email together with you company details (Company Name & address & monthly consumption amount & etc). Payment terms up to 30 days.

Q :Do you have any promotion or free gift?
A :Yes for sure. We are giving promotion in seasonal period and free gift for certain festival (such as Valentine, New year).